Tag Archive for Apollo

Torso of Dionysus

Inv. Scu 1113 Dionysus is depicted as a young man, in the god’s typical effeminate stance and with a languid, dreamy expression. His raised right arm is bent so that his hand rests delicately on his head, which is slightly…

Apollo of Omphalos

Inv. Scu 638 Originally part of the Albani Collection, the Capitoline Museums’ Apollo is an example of quality sculpture. There are several theories as to who created the original sculpture from which our Apollo and many others were copied. Many…

Statue of Mercury

Inv. Scu 60 Statue of a young male god, standing, with his weight on his right leg and his left leg behind him. The figure is wearing a full cloak with wide hems, clasped with a buckle on his right…

Statue of Apollo

Inv. Scu 648 In this work, Apollo is shown nude and stands upright with his weight carried on the left leg. His left leg and foot are slightly advanced, as if the god were taking a step forward. His right…

Lower section of colossal statue

Inv. Scu 56 The fragmented colossal statue, usually interpreted as a female figure, could actually depict Apollo Citharoedus and therefore be integrated with a cithara on its left arm. As a matter of fact, the Doric peplos, which is typical…

Marsyas hanging on a tree

Inv. Scu 1077 The monumental statue represents the silen Marsyas hanging on a tree, waiting to be flayed upon order by Apollo . The work stands out for the pathos expressed by the silen, seen both in the features of…

Statue of Apollo Citharede

Inv. Scu 736 Statue of Apollo holding a large cithara (lyre). The god is nude except for a mantle thrown over his left shoulder; he is caught in a pause of his musical activities and he is gazing into the…

Diana and Endymion

Inv. Pc 149 The artist painted this work for his friend Bonaventura Argenti, musician of the Cappella Pontificia, about 1660. The delicate subject is taken from the Dialogues of the Gods, by Lucianus: the shepherd Endymion obtains eternal youth from…

Statue of Niobids

Inv. Scu 254 The sculpture depicts one of the children of Niobe, slain by Apollo; it was part of a group that depicted the massacre of the Niobids, the original of which has sometimes been attributed to Skopas. The face…