Tag Archive for Osiride

Egyptian column with figured frieze

Inv. Scu 13 The Egyptian-type column, narrowing towards the bottom, is in granite from Elba; originally it was associated with a capital and a base in white marble worked separately. The frieze is carved around the shaft immediately above a…

Egyptian column with figured frieze

Inv. Scu 2 The Egyptian-type column, narrowing towards the bottom, is in granite from Elba; originally it was associated with a capital and a base in white marble worked separately. The frieze is carved around the shaft immediately above a…


Inv. Scu 31 The hawk, carved from a single block of black granite, well smoothed and without any indication of plumage, is depicted here with its feet on the ground and wings closed on its tail. It is the most…

Statue of Harpocrates

Inv. Scu 646 The young god Harpocrates , son of Isis and Osiris, is represented totally naked in the typical gesture of silence, with the index finger to his lips. The gesture may allude to the mystic and secret character…