What we do on this platform is trying to explain objects (or monuments) preserved in different museums (or locations) and to connect them according to their common physical context (using the finding spot/provenance) or their common thematic context.
For now, our website presents:
- rich multilingual descriptions with attached media of objects from the various museums making the U.O. Musei Archeologici e Polo Grande Campidoglio, Sovraintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali,
- external links to Wikipedia, related heritage sites, etc.
- grouping of multiple objects by common finding spots using the WP categories feature,
- grouping of objects by common thematic key words (“tags”),
- graphical maps for finding spots (or monuments) for a group of objects,
- list of objects presented together in the current museum settings.
First, a classical example of possible connections by common finding spots:

Relationship between descriptions (“posts”) and related finding spots (“categories”)
Then, an example of possible connections by common key words (e.g. subject, mythology, religion &c.):

Relationship between descriptions (“posts”) and related terms (“tags”)
Another example would be connections by common museum collocations, common time of creation etc.
- The Young Hercules with Serpents in the Capitoline Museums, Inv. Scu 247, is tagged with the keyword “Hercules”. A click on the tag below the title or in the “tag cloud” below the description brings up other thematically related works.
- the Drunk Old Woman in the Capitoline Museums, Inv. Scu 299, has been found in 1620 at the church of S. Agnese on via Nomentana, outside Rome. A click on the category (or finding spot) “Rome outside the Walls” brings up all the works found outside the city walls.
The system also allows for creating any other time- space based grouping. Special pages (e.g. for the Horti Lamiani or the excavations on the Esquiline hill) are easily created. All the usual web and media technology (incl. albums, video, live links etc.) are possible.