From Rome

Statue of Hercules

Inv. Scu 1088 The hero, with his body characterized by lively dynamism, is depicted in the act of making long strides, with his left leg extended forward. His left arm, from which a lion skin probably hung, was extended to…

Fragment of landscape relief

Inv. Scu 1426 The fragment shows a complex representation on several planes. In the centre of the scene, one can recognize the pediment of a temple decorated with a shield with Gorgon ’s head, held up by two Tritons .…

Fragment of an Attic funerary stele

Inv. Scu 989 The stele was reassembled from four pieces and has numerous missing parts that make it difficult to understand who the depicted personage is. It is a standing female figure, turned towards the right. She is wearing sandals…

Capitoline Wolf

Inv. Scu 1181 Larger-than-life bronze statue, made with the direct lost-wax casting technique in a single casting. Its provenance is unknown but the analyses of the casting clay still inside suggest that it was made with clay coming from the…

Bust of Faustina the Elder

Inv. Scu 851 This head was sculpted out of Parian Marble. It represents Faustina, wife of the Emperor Antoninus who ruled Rome from 138 to 161 A.D. She is shown with her head turned to the right. Her eyebrows are…

Boy with Thorn

Inv. Scu 1186 Statue of a naked boy sitting on a rock pulling a thorn from his foot, known as Spinario. The bronze sculpture is usually identified with a young shepherd. Its head, body and rocky seat are cast together.…

Statue of Faustina the Elder

Inv. Scu 48 The Empress Faustina, wife of Antonius Pius, is depicted in the Concordia type, with the cornucopia in her left hand and a bowl (patera) in her right. She is wearing a mid-sleeved tunic and a cloak, that…

Group of two young girls playing

Inv. Scu 1151 The group is depicting two young girls playing. The game consisted in hitting a rock stuck in the ground with a ball: whoever missed had to carry the winner on his shoulders who would cover the loser’s…