From Rome

Statue of Goddess

Inv. Scu 231 Colossal statue of a deity identified as Demeter-Ceres on account of the pig’s hide, attribute of this goddess, which however is only rarely used in her iconography. The disproportions of the statue, such as the excessive width…

Statue of Dying Gaul

Inv. Scu 747 The Dying Gaul is one of the most celebrated and much admired works of the Musei Capitolini . The figure, identified as a Galatian by the twisted neck ring (torques), a typical ornament of Celtic warriors, has…

Colossal statue of Minerva

Inv. Scu 37 The colossal statue (more than 3 m high) depicts the goddess Minerva. The goddess is armed with shield (she originally held a spear in her right hand) and is wearing the snake-trimmed Aegis adorned with the monstrous…

Female statue with cornucopia

Inv. Scu 51 The figure is wearing a sleeved chiton, girt with a belt just below her breasts. Over the chiton the figure wears a cloak that falls from the left shoulder and covers the legs almost entirely. The statue…

Slab with relief of horse and ox

Inv. Scu 222 The slab, bordered on the upper part by a fillet, depicts a horse grazing in the foreground and an ox partly visible in the background. The quality of the marble, the presence of the upper fillet, the…

Female statue, Hygeia

Inv. Scu 1099 It depicts a standing female figure. Its head has been reattached to the body by means of a restoration that distorts the real torsion. Her weight is resting on the left foot, next to which there is…

Group of Polyphemus and the Greek

Inv. Scu 53 This group shows Polyphemus holding the body of one of Ulysses’ dead companions. He sits on a rocky spur, with his torso leaning slightly towards the left and his right foot planted heavily on his victim’s limbs;…