From Rome

Relief with Dancing Maenad

Inv. Scu 1094 The relief depicts a Maenad dancing under the influence of Dionysian inebriation. The woman is wearing a cloak moved by the impetuous dance and a tunic that leaves both breasts bare; she is holding a knife in…

Head of a Boy: Gordiano III

Inv. Scu 995 This head, which is made of pentelic marble, is believed to represent a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old. Many scholars identify him as Gordian III: the boy’s facial features and long neck are recognizable from…

Statue of a young girl

Inv. Scu 1434 Smaller than life-size statue of a young girl, with a long robe (Doric peplos) that completely envelops her left arm. The right arm, instead, is missing. The work is sculpted in typical severan style (5th century BC).…

Egyptian column with figured frieze

Inv. Scu 2 The Egyptian-type column, narrowing towards the bottom, is in granite from Elba; originally it was associated with a capital and a base in white marble worked separately. The frieze is carved around the shaft immediately above a…

Sarcophagus fragment with lion and antelope

Inv. Scu 223 Fragment of a tub-shaped sarcophagus decorated in the upper part by a Ionic kyma. The fragment belongs to the tub-shaped class of sarcophagi, decorated on the sides by prides of lions attacking their prey, very widespread between…

Marble horse lacking the head

Inv. Scu 1089 Pentelic marble horse, partially reassembled from numerous fragments. The horse is depicted standing with its front left and back right legs moved forward. The coat is treated in fluid locks that fall in elegant curves. The horse…

Child Statue of Hercules

Inv. Scu 1016 This monumental statue represents the hero Hercules as a child and is made of basalt. The god is shown nude with the exception of the iconographic lion skin worn over his head. The legs and paws of…

Colossal Statue of Apollo Citharoedus

Inv. Scu 628 The god Apollo is represented naked, with the exception of a himation (cloak) that falls in full-bodied folds and covers the lower half of the figure. The figure carries its weight on the right leg, while stepping…