
Female statue without head

Inv. Scu 899 The matronly-proportioned female figure is wearing a long sleeveless tunic ( chiton) girded under the breasts and a cloak ( himation) that, with the edge resting on her left shoulder, falls obliquely down her back and is…

Statuette of Hermaphrodite holding Eros

Inv. Scu 370 Hermaphrodite, standing on the right leg with the left slightly bent, is completely naked except for the cloak that falls from the shoulders down below the knees; in the folds of the cloak the figure holds Eros…

Statue of a Young Satyr

Inv. Scu 627 This statue represents a young satyr. He is shown nude with the exception of a nebris or panther skin that is tied upon his right shoulder and runs across his chest to drape his left shoulder and…


Inv. Scu 2937 The statue, carved from a single block of grey marble (Bardiglio di Carrara), depicts a baboon (cynocephalus) seated with its fore paws legs resting on its knees; the sex is visible between the wide-apart rear legs. The…

Colossal statue, perhaps Hera

Inv. Scu 642 The goddess is wearing a long robe (chiton) with rich drapery formed by large sleeves that billow out from the belt around her and a cloak that slides down behind her and covers both shoulders; the scepter…

Statue of winged Psyche

Inv. Scu 287 Found in the series of sculptures of Florentine Niobids , due to a similarity to these statues and actually being a copy, for a long time this statue was believed to be a daugther of Niobe of…

Statue of Apollo

Inv. Scu 648 This statue is a replica of the famous Apollo made by Phidias in the Kassel style. This style was common in the fifth century B.C. and is sometimes called the severe style.  Ancient sculptors struggled to depict…