4th century AD

Colossal head of Constantine

Inv. Scu 757 This colossal head, originally formed part of a colossal statue that was up to 10-12 meters in height. The remains, discovered during the papacy of Innocent VIII (1484-1492). The various fragments were moved to the Capitoline Hill…

Colossal Right Foot

Inv. Scu 1073 This bronze work is characterized by a dark green patina; the ungainly form is partly to put down to the work of the restorer who repaired the third finger, the longest one, the edges of which were…

Bronze Globe

Inv. Scu 1065 The collection of the Capitoline Museums contains two globes; the one we are looking at now is made entirely of bronze that has acquired a light green patina with the passing of time. Displayed alongside the fragmentary…

Colossal Left Hand

Inv. Scu 1070 The hand is a work in bronze characterized by a clear green patina. A laceration on the inside of the hand indicates that at one time it held an object that was later torn away. It is…

A Son of Constantine

Inv. Scu 843 This bust is believed to represent one of the sons of Constantine the Great. The bust depicts a bearded young man who glances to the left with a disgruntled expression upon his face. His forehead is incised…

Statuette of Eros

Inv. Scu 371 Statuette of a winged Eros standing and leaning to a trunk from which hangs a quiver with arrows; the figure holds a bow with the left hand. The statuette is extensively restored: modern restorations concern the legs,…

Strigilated sarcophagus

Inv. Scu 9 Sarcophagus with lid; the short sides are only roughly carved and do not bear any decoration. The remarkable dimensions of the casket and the two figures standing to either edge of the front suggest that the sarcophagus…

Colossal Head of Constantine

Inv. Scu 1072 The Lateran was the original home to the Papal art collection before the building of the Vatican Palace during the Renaissance. Alongside the head was the fragment of a bronze hand and partial forearm, as well as…

Sarcophagus fragment with lion and antelope

Inv. Scu 223 Fragment of a tub-shaped sarcophagus decorated in the upper part by a Ionic kyma. The fragment belongs to the tub-shaped class of sarcophagi, decorated on the sides by prides of lions attacking their prey, very widespread between…