Inv. Scu 821 This sarcophagus, of the so-called lenòs type (i.e.: in the shape of a tub), is decorated on the front by two series of spiralled fluting patterns converging towards the centre, where, in the upper half, they form…
Sarcophagus battle scenes between Greeks and Amazons
Inv. Scu 726 The sarcophagus shows the representation of a battle between Amazons and armed warriors, maybe Greeks, and armed men, perhaps Greek warriors, which can be referred to the episode of the Amazons’ invasion of the Attica region. The…
Sarcophagus with Dionysiac scenes
Inv. Scu 1884 Sarcophagus in Pentelic marble decorated with a Dionysiac procession (thiasos) carved on three sides. The theme of the sarcophagus front, enclosed by elegant borders with vegetal patterns, consists in a Dionysiac procession (thiasos), albeit without Dionysus, usually…
Sarcophagus with relief depicting the hunt for the Calydonian boar
Inv. Scu 917 The front of the sarcophagus is decorated with figures that take up the entire available field. The scene narrates the myth of Meleager and the hunt for the Calydonian boar, a well-loved theme in the decoration of…
Sarcophagus fragment with lion and antelope
Inv. Scu 223 Fragment of a tub-shaped sarcophagus decorated in the upper part by a Ionic kyma. The fragment belongs to the tub-shaped class of sarcophagi, decorated on the sides by prides of lions attacking their prey, very widespread between…
Front of sarcophagus with lion-hunt
Inv. Scu 221 Front of a large “lenòs” (tub-shaped) type sarcophagus. It depicts an animated lion hunting scene, with lionesses, fallen hunters, warriors, framed on the top left and right by two lion heads. On the left is the personification…
Strigilated sarcophagus
Inv. Scu 9 Sarcophagus with lid; the short sides are only roughly carved and do not bear any decoration. The remarkable dimensions of the casket and the two figures standing to either edge of the front suggest that the sarcophagus…
Sarcophagus with scenes of the Calydonian boar myth
Inv. Scu 1897 Sarcophagus front carved with figures that take up the entire field available. The composition depicts an episode of the myth of Meleager and the hunt of the Calydonian boar; particularly popular in the mid imperial period, the…