From outside Rome

Fragment of relief with Lavinian sow

Inv. Scu 1891 Monumental relief, originally sculpted on superimposed marble blocks (about 2 m high), of which only the bottom part is preserved. It belonged probably to the decoration of a tomb. The figured relief, flanked by pilasters, is the…

Strigilated sarcophagus

Inv. Scu 9 Sarcophagus with lid; the short sides are only roughly carved and do not bear any decoration. The remarkable dimensions of the casket and the two figures standing to either edge of the front suggest that the sarcophagus…

Drunk old woman

Inv. Scu 299 The sculpture, reassembled from fragments and heavily supplemented, depicts an old woman tightly clutching a wine vase. The work falls within the category of Hellenistic representations of people with vices who are depicted in their degraded daily…

Female statue

Inv. Scu 264 The statue, depicting a woman seated on a stool with a high pillow, most likely had a funerary use. The typological scheme, with the right elbow resting on the left wrist, corresponds to the so-called “Pudicitia” type,…

Statuette of Hermaphrodite holding Eros

Inv. Scu 370 Hermaphrodite, standing on the right leg with the left slightly bent, is completely naked except for the cloak that falls from the shoulders down below the knees; in the folds of the cloak the figure holds Eros…

Statue of Selene

Inv. Scu 256 The statue has been identified with Selene, due to the presence of the crescent moon on her head and the torch in her right hand, attributes characteristic of the goddess. The goddess (personification of the Moon) is…

Front of sarcophagus with lion-hunt

Inv. Scu 221 Front of a large “lenòs” (tub-shaped) type sarcophagus. It depicts an animated lion hunting scene, with lionesses, fallen hunters, warriors, framed on the top left and right by two lion heads. On the left is the personification…